Miami County!
Thanks for attending the virtual Public Open House #2 for the Miami County Comprehensive Plan update.
First, please sign in below so we know who was here!
Continue scrolling down this page to learn more and engage in the planning process.
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First, please watch this welcome video from the planning team.
Simply click the play button.
Learn + Participate
Please take time to scroll though this page to learn about the current state of the county,
as well as the role and importance of a comprehensive plan.
Once you review the information on this webpage, you can click the button at the bottom of the webpage to be automatically directed to another secure website that has posters you can comment on. Similar to the in-person open house, there are instructions on how to flip through the various posters and provide your comments.
The opportunity to comment on the posters will be available until Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
Please share this link with your friends, family, and co-workers so we can hear from everyone!
Let's get started!
What's a Comprehensive Plan?
The comprehensive plan is a long-range document that guides the county’s future growth and development, its priorities, and its services. It is a road map of sorts that helps us visualize where you want to go as a county and the path to reach that destination. Your input in the comprehensive planning process is essential in determining the destination—the vision—for Miami County. The comprehensive plan:
Articulates county leaders' goals for attracting and retaining businesses, visitors, and residents in Miami County over the next 10 to 20 years
Creates a framework for the development of future public policy
Initiates a countywide effort to reflect its needs and desires and help direct future decision making
What's included in the Comprehensive Plan?
A description of the condition of the county, including existing land uses, zoning districts, transportation networks, utilities, demographics, market factors, and environmental features.
Clear vision and goals for future development and improvements by speaking with community members online and during in-person events.
Recommended policies and programs to achieve the vision and meet the goals.
What topics are studied in a Comprehensive Plan?
Determination of preferred and appropriate land uses and development areas throughout the county.
Analysis of the present economic state of the county and how to strengthen the county’s economy (business attraction, retention, etc.).
Examination of transportation routes and types, alternative transportation modes, and capacity of the existing roadway system.
Analysis of existing parks, open spaces, and recreational opportunities and determination of desire for future parks, recreation, and open space.
Evaluation of current relationships between residents, county staff, elected officials, and the surrounding jurisdictions and determination of necessary communication and governance improvements.
What the Comprehensive Plan is and is not...
A guidebook for future decisions in the county related to land use, transportation improvements, economic development, and more!
A way to protect Miami County’s identified mid- and long-term priorities from short-term development decisions
Flexible to changing priorities and market/economic conditions
Committed to honoring and celebrating the history of Miami County
On a 10- to 20-year time frame
A rezoning plan
Interfering with or superseding private property rights
Based solely on the county’s or consultant’s opinions
What geographic area does the
Comprehensive Plan consider?
While the incorporated cities play a critical role in the county, the Miami County Comprehensive Plan only plans for the unincorporated areas of the county. Check out the map of the county and its cities below.

Where are we at in the planning process?
Existing Conditions Summary
A critical step first step in the comprehensive planning process is to understand the existing conditions in the county. Click the button below to review maps that illustrate the current state of Miami County. The data is primarily from Miami County's Geographic Information System, but other supplementary data sources are listed alongside the maps as applicable.
When you click the button below, a file containing the maps will begin to download. Once the file downloads, click it to open it up. We recommend keeping the PDF open as a reference once you begin reviewing the posters and providing feedback.
Are you ready to share your voice?
With the background information provided on this webpage in mind, you're ready to share your voice! There is additional content to read through and maps to review on some of the posters. Click the button below and you will be automatically directed to another secure site. There, you can review posters and provide input. A tutorial on how to use the commenting tool is available at the button below. Please watch the tutorial and return to this page before clicking the "Provide Feedback Now" button.
PLEASE NOTE: Leave the "Name" and "Email" lines blank when using the commenting tool so that the comments can remain anonymous. Thank you!